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Our Elders

“Shepherd the flock of God that is among you."
1   P E T E R   5 : 2   ( E S V )

Holy Covenant Church acknowledges Jesus Christ as the head of the Church, and the Bible as our final authority for teaching and practice. The Elders lead Holy Covenant Church by lovingly governing the church, preaching the Word of God, and tending the flock as overseers.

Our Elders share the responsibility and privilege of preaching in our Sunday worship services. We rotate preaching responsibility weekly and we welcome guest preachers on occasion.


Daniel Bair

Daniel is the Executive Director of Englewood Family Outreach, a ministry serving vulnerable families on the south side of Chicago. Daniel desires to serve faithfully where God has planted him and to lead others to know and love Him more each day. One of the things he most enjoys about Holy Covenant Church is that families with their children are encouraged to be participants in the worship service. Daniel graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2005 and earned an M.A. in biblical exegesis from Wheaton College Graduate School in 2009. He lives in Winfield with his wife, Faith, and their four children.


Dan Godoy

Dan is Senior Vice President at First Trust Portfolios, where he manages teams that build financial computer software. Dan recognizes that Christian worship influences the beliefs and affections of God’s people, and he hopes to encourage thoughtful corporate worship at Holy Covenant Church. Something he especially appreciates about HCC is the sincerity and humility that saturates community life. Dan graduated from Wheaton College in 2006 and earned an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in 2012. He lives in Wheaton with his wife, Meagan, and their five children.


Dave Papendorf

Dave is Assistant Professor of Theology at Moody Bible Institute, where he teaches history and theology to undergraduates. Dave appreciates the theologically engaged culture at Holy Covenant Church and hopes to cultivate further biblical and theological conversations within the congregation. Dave graduated from Moody Bible Institute in 2010, received an M.Div. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2014, and completed his Ph.D. in history at Central Michigan University in 2022. He lives in Villa Park with his wife, Sara, and their son.


Tad Williams

(on sabbatical June 2024 - May 2025)

Tad is the owner and president of T. Delling Construction, Inc., a building company specializing in commercial construction, insurance negotiations, and custom residential construction. Tad loves building up the local church by creating opportunities for others to learn, serve, and grow. What he loves most about Holy Covenant Church is the simplicity and joy of the new church plant. Tad graduated from Wheaton College in 2001. He lives in West Chicago with his wife, Amber, and their six children.

Our Deacons

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."
1   P E T E R   4 : 1 0   ( E S V )

Under the oversight and direction of the Elders, our Deacons willingly and joyfully serve and support the Church to increase the peace, unity, effectiveness, and practical usefulness of the Church.

Ashley Glaze

Paul Glaze

Michelle Kelley

Josh Olson

Amy Ritter

Eric Sall

Myriam Sall

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